Reflections the story of Narcissus

Reflection bronze sculpture


In Greek mythology, Narcissus was a remarkably handsome young man known for his unparalleled beauty. However, his extraordinary physical appearance matched his arrogance and disdain for those who admired him. One day, while wandering through the forest, Narcissus encountered the nymph Echo, who had fallen deeply in love with him. Yet, Narcissus rejected her affections, callously spurning her advances.
In retaliation, the goddess Nemesis, angered by Narcissus’s prideful behaviour, led him to a pool of water. There, Narcissus caught sight of his reflection and became utterly enchanted by the image of his beauty. His reflection captivated him so much that he could not tear himself away from the pool, spending hours gazing at his own likeness. Consumed by his infatuation, Narcissus remained fixated on his reflection until he eventually wasted away and died by the water’s edge.
The myth of Narcissus serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of vanity, self-absorption, and the destructive consequences of excessive self-love. It underscores the timeless theme of the human condition, reminding us of the pitfalls of arrogance and the importance of humility and empathy in our interactions with others. Through her sculpture “Reflections,” Teresa Wells reimagines this myth, inviting viewers to contemplate the complexities of self-reflection and the fragility of the human psyche.

“Reflections” by Teresa Wells is a mesmerizing bronze sculpture inspired by the myth of Narcissus. With meticulous craftsmanship, Wells captures the essence of introspection, inviting viewers to delve into the depths of self-reflection amidst the serene backdrop of nature. The choice of a green patina for the sculpture, coupled with the sleek black base plinth, enhances the narrative, evoking a sense of harmony between the allure of one’s reflection and the tranquil beauty of the natural world.